Our work

Water Quality Playbook
The Community Playbook for Healthy Waterways is a first-of-its-kind resource to spur and guide community-wide action to transform environmental water quality throughout the Sarasota County region.
Fertilizer Education Campaign
This original design humorously encourages Sarasota County residents to give skip the fertilizer to help avoid algal blooms.

Environmental Summit 2018
The 2018 Environmental Summit was a sold-out 2-day event featuring over 70 speakers participating in panel discussions, invited viewpoint presentations, and rapid-fire lightning talks plus live audience polling throughout.
Coastal & Heartland Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
The 2019–2023 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) was developed over a 16-month period through a strategic planning process with the CHNEP Management Conference and invited public comment.

Tampa Bay Estuary Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
The 2017 Revision of Charting The Course: The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) for Tampa Bay is a community blueprint for action to sustain progress in protecting and restoring the bay over a 10-year horizon.
Shoreline Mapping of the Withlacoochee River
Study of west-central Florida tidal rivers for the purpose of establishing regulatory minimum flow levels.

GIS Storm Surge Analysis
Coastal communities routinely face natural hazards, including hurricane wind and tidal surge.
GIS Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
Florida Counties face natural hazards from storm flooding, fires, hurricane winds and storm surge, and sinkholes

Policy Recommendations for the Northwest Hawaiian Islands
The National Marine Sanctuary Program under NOAA required an environmental policy analysis for the designation of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Marine Sanctuary, with a particular focus on the compatibility of commercial fishing with the proposed sanctuary.
Sarasota Bay Watershed Symposium
A Symposium to bring together scientists, managers, policy makers and the interested public to: i) present the latest “State of the Bay and Watersheds” research findings, ii) identify and prioritize coastal watershed research gaps and develop a collaborative research agenda, iii) identify science-policy disconnects and develop strategies to remedy.

Be Floridian Follow the Flock
Follow the Flock is an events-based public outreach and social media campaign designed to help improve water quality in our creeks and bays by promoting the message that “our yards are connected to our creeks and bays” and providing examples of best practices for residential yard care.

Water Quality Playbook
The Community Playbook for Healthy Waterways is a first-of-its-kind resource to spur and guide community-wide action to transform environmental water quality throughout the Sarasota County region.
Coastal & Heartland Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
The 2019–2023 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) was developed over a 16-month period through a strategic planning process with the CHNEP Management Conference and invited public comment.

Tampa Bay Estuary Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
The 2017 Revision of Charting The Course: The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) for Tampa Bay is a community blueprint for action to sustain progress in protecting and restoring the bay over a 10-year horizon.

Policy Recommendations for the Northwest Hawaiian Islands
The National Marine Sanctuary Program under NOAA required an environmental policy analysis for the designation of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands National Marine Sanctuary, with a particular focus on the compatibility of commercial fishing with the proposed sanctuary.

Environmental Summit 2018
The 2018 Environmental Summit was a sold-out 2-day event featuring over 70 speakers participating in panel discussions, invited viewpoint presentations, and rapid-fire lightning talks plus live audience polling throughout.
Sarasota Bay Watershed Symposium
A Symposium to bring together scientists, managers, policy makers and the interested public to: i) present the latest “State of the Bay and Watersheds” research findings, ii) identify and prioritize coastal watershed research gaps and develop a collaborative research agenda, iii) identify science-policy disconnects and develop strategies to remedy.

Shoreline Mapping of the Withlacoochee River
Study of west-central Florida tidal rivers for the purpose of establishing regulatory minimum flow levels.

GIS Storm Surge Analysis
Coastal communities routinely face natural hazards, including hurricane wind and tidal surge.
GIS Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
Florida Counties face natural hazards from storm flooding, fires, hurricane winds and storm surge, and sinkholes

Be Floridian Follow the Flock
Follow the Flock is an events-based public outreach and social media campaign designed to help improve water quality in our creeks and bays by promoting the message that “our yards are connected to our creeks and bays” and providing examples of best practices for residential yard care.
Fertilizer Education Campaign
This original design humorously encourages Sarasota County residents to give skip the fertilizer to help avoid algal blooms.