Shafer Consulting Kicks-off Rising Seas Initiative

Shafer Consulting kicked off the Rising Seas Initiative with a successful lecture series by two Nobel Laureate Climate Scientists. Pier Vellinga and Henry Pollack spoke on the science of sea level rise, adaptation strategies and implications for Southwest Florida to...

Hazard Vulnerability Analysis for Sumter County

Shafer Consulting worked with Calvin Giordano and Associates on the Post Disaster Redevelopment Plan for Sumter County, providing GIS-based Hazard Vulnerability Analysis. The analysis modeled the risk of basin flood events, hurricane winds, wildfire and sink holes on...

Shafer Consulting Sponsors Scallapalooza

Shafer Consulting, together with 74 groups and organizations, is proud to sponsor Sarasota Bay Watch’s Second Annual Scallopalooza. The Sarasota Yacht Club will again host this special fundraiser this June 9th, dedicated exclusively to restoring scallops in...